Without any research I will give my opinion of what the status' of the mediums of media are, for example which are seen as 'better' or 'worse', their levels of popularity and importance.
I think that film/cinema is regarded as the highest quality and 'best' medium, I would say this firstly because their is a direct fee to go to cinema, so people notice it more than TV license etc. Also, for example, if a film is released in the cinema it is seen as more mainstream and high-brow, whereas if a film is released straight to television, such as the version of Hamlet with David Tennant, then it is assumed it had a lower budget and not as popular actors/directors. Home cinema (dvds etc), I see as in between the two. Broadsheet newspapers are seen as very important and respectable, not so much 'better' just rather more serious, Tabloid newspapers are looked down at, mostly seen as being untrue, twisting and tacky, filled with celebrity garbage. I also feel that radio is not so much looked down at, just ignored, disregarded.
After doing some research I will post again.