Thursday, 13 January 2011


The final shot in our OTS we have planned to a be a dramatic, comic-style split screen, such as the ones used in \Scott Pilgrim vs the world' 

The moment will be when all three of our characters make a connection between themselves, Miller and the tarot cards. We feel this would be perfect because it is slightly surreal, very dramatic and great the peak of our OTS. Unfortunately it is not an easy thing to create, Imovie is by far incapable of it, but I recently got Final Cut Express and I had my fingers crossed that we would be able to do it, I can now uncross my fingers, as after extensive hours of searching, trying things, breaking things and trying different things, I have managed to create what we want. The only example I have on this as yet is one I create from two very short, stock film clippings, nevertheless it shows what we want to achieve. When we do the final thing it will be a three way split instead of two, but that is no obstacle.
I will post the video in a SEPARATE post, seeing as it is 'waiting in queue to be converted'

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